#!/usr/bin/env bash # local version: @test "no name given" { #[[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip # The above line controls whether to skip the test. # Normally, we skip every test except for the first one # (the first one is always commented out). This allows for # a person to focus on solving a test at a time: you can # comment out or delete the # `[[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip` # line to run the test when you are ready. # # You can also run all the tests by setting the # `$BATS_RUN_SKIPPED` environment variable, like this: # # $ BATS_RUN_SKIPPED=true bats two_fer_test.sh run bash two_fer.sh (( status == 0 )) [[ $output == "One for you, one for me." ]] } @test "a name given" { [[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip run bash two_fer.sh Alice (( status == 0 )) [[ $output == "One for Alice, one for me." ]] } @test "another name given" { [[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip run bash two_fer.sh Bob (( status == 0 )) [[ $output == "One for Bob, one for me." ]] } # bash-specific test: Focus the student's attention on the effects of # word splitting and filename expansion: # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Shell-Expansions @test "handle arg with spaces" { [[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip run bash two_fer.sh "John Smith" "Mary Ann" (( status == 0 )) [[ $output == "One for John Smith, one for me." ]] } @test "handle arg with glob char" { [[ $BATS_RUN_SKIPPED == "true" ]] || skip run bash two_fer.sh "* " (( status == 0 )) [[ $output == "One for * , one for me." ]] }